Welcome to Star-Sparkle.net, Kirstie's personal domain!
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! This is the recently-revived Star-Sparkle.net (now also kirstie.tk), which is still under construction and is therefore rather limited. Check back soon for more interesting things.

Please note that this site is best used in 1024x768 resolution or above. If you are having viewing issues, please let me know so I can solve them.

Saturday, January 31st, 2009 @ 2:46am | I've got the new site up and running! Hopefully I should be expanding this (adding more pages, enhancing the layout, etc.) soon. I sketched this layout myself and then colored it in Photoshop and coded the framing, etc. I think I like it, although I would like to add a bit more to the design. Anyway, welcome to a new era at Star-Sparkle.net!